Different storage-quality bread and confectionery bags with and without window. Unprinted flat-bottomed bags and standard bags are also available from Leipurin Plc and Metro and Heinon Tukku wholesales around Finland. We ship paper bags directly from the factory with a minimum order size of 3,000 pieces. The shipment can include different types of bags.
»Pinch bottom bags, unprinted
»Pinch bottom bags, printed
»Square bottom bags, unprinted
»Square bottom bags, printed
»Other products
Pinch bottom bags, unprinted
Number | Product | Bag size | Material | Packaging size |
102 | Grocery bag, 0.5 kg, brown | 220*100*45 | brown kraft paper | 1000 |
80 | Mini bag, brown | 280*150*70 | brown kraft paper | 500 |
82 | Midi bag, brown | 380*210*80 | brown kraft paper | 500 |
84 | Maxi bag, brown | 450*260*90 | brown kraft paper | 500 |
Number | Product | Bag size | Material | Packaging size |
116 | Grocery bag, 0.5 kg, white | 220*100*45 | white kraft paper | 1000 |
118 | Grocery bag, 1 kg, white | 280*120*55 | white kraft paper | 1000 |
120 | Grocery bag, 2 kg, white | 320*150*70 | white kraft paper | 500 |
122 | Grocery bag, 3 kg, white | 380*180*75 | white kraft paper | 500 |
124 | Grocery bag, 5 kg, white | 450*210*90 | white kraft paper | 500 |
Number | Product | Bag size | Material | Packaging size |
581 | Bag with partial window, white | 360*230*60 | white kraft paper | 500 |
589 | Bag with partial window, white | 360*230*60 | white ldpe-coated kraft paper | 500 |
583 | Bag with partial window, long, white | 420*150*70 | white kraft paper | 500 |
588 | Bag with partial window, long, white | 420*150*70 | white ldpe-coated kraft paper | 500 |
5179 | Baguette bag with window, white | 560*120*35 | white kraft paper | 500 |
Number | Product | Bag size | Material | Packaging size |
580 | Bag with partial window, brown | 360*230*60 | brown kraft paper | 500 |
582 | Bag with partial window, long, brown | 420*150*70 | ribbed brown kraft paper | 500 |
584 | Baguette bag with window, brown | 560*120*35 | brown kraft paper | 500 |
Number | Product | Bag size | Material | Packaging size |
5085 | Deli bag with window, brown | 170*150*70 | brown kraft paper | 400 |
5086 | Bag with window, brown | 280*150*70 | brown kraft paper | 500 |
Number | Product | Bag size | Material | Packaging size |
5087 | Deli bag with window, white | 280*150*70 | valkoinen hdpe-pinnoitettu voimapaperi | 500 |